Tactical and Strategic Networks
Staying cyber safe across tactical and strategic networks
Sev1Tech has a proven track record of consistently delivering mission to meet customers’ tactical and strategic network ongoing and future mission requirements and challenges. We enable our customers’ mission needs and remain compliant with requirements for all active fielded and emerging tactical and strategic network systems.
Integrated Tactical Network Transport: Support the development and implementation of the Army’s Integrated Tactical Network Transport as part of the One Network vision
Supporting COCOMs and Deployed Forces: Procure COTS transport systems that meet immediate operational needs for deployed forces, providing tailored sustainment and operations training for pre-deploying forces
NetOps: Provide advanced network provisioning and management tools
ITN: Integrate leap-ahead technologies with innovative support to improve expeditionary and mobile network capabilities
Echelons Above Battalion Network Capabilities: Develop alternative capability sets to meet “no growth” signal concepts to reconfigure Expeditionary Signal Battalions (ESB), Signal Command (Theater), Brigades, and the Army G-6
Cyber Hardening: Incorporate cyber defense capabilities into all transport management systems advancing network operations in a multidomain battlespace
- Acquisitions
- Network design, Analysis, and Planning Support
- Developing Technical Requirements
- Fielding/Integration
- Training